Vanessa Silva

Growth Marketing Lead
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Struggling to get past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and land your dream job? You're not alone. We may work in Human Resources but we were once in your shoes.

Our career advisors, Duarte Ribeiro and Guilherme Lopes, hosted a unique event on our LinkedIn page in June 2024: Live Resume Roasting.

The focus was on giving you a free workshop on how to improve - or create - your resume to nail interviews and get the jobs you want.

We also added a section all about live reviewing some of the resumes submitted to us before the event as well as answered some of the questions from those who were watching the event live.

In this article, I’m summarizing most of the information from the live resume roast which you can find in the video below! 

If you’re in a hurry, here are the 4 key points in this workshop:

  • Match Your Resume to the Job Description: Your resume should be a targeted document that highlights your skills and experience relevant to the specific job you're applying for.
  • Optimize for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): Use keywords from the job description and format your resume in a way that's easy for ATS software to parse.
  • Professional Branding: Your resume is a marketing tool for your professional brand. Use it to showcase your expertise and career goals.
  • Use Bullet Points: Craft impactful bullet points that showcase your achievements using action verbs, quantifiable results, and specific tasks.

If you’re still around, let’s dive into the information and learn the strategies to craft a resume that gets noticed by recruiters and secures those coveted interview invites.

Demystifying the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Before diving into resume writing strategies, let's address the elephant in the room: the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). 

A lot of people talk about it. But there’s not a lot of focus on actionable things you can do to be parsed correctly in an ATS and be called to an interview.

Having the following into attention:

  • Keywords: Analyze job descriptions carefully. Identify the skills and experiences they emphasize. These are your keywords! Strategically incorporate them throughout your resume, particularly in your summary section and bullet points detailing accomplishments. However, remember, keyword stuffing is a red flag. Aim for organic integration that showcases your genuine qualifications.

  • Formatting: ATS software can be picky. Stick to a simple, one-column layout with clear headings and bullet points. Avoid fancy fonts, graphics, or text boxes, as these can disrupt the scanning process. Use common fonts like Arial or Times New Roman for optimal readability.

Your Resume is a Marketing Tool

Your resume is essentially a one-page advertisement for your professional brand. That’s the first impression recruiters will have of you.

So think of it as a dynamic document that tells your career story, highlighting your unique value proposition.

  • Target Your Audience: Consider the specific role you're applying for. What are the employer's needs? Tailor your resume to showcase the skills and experiences that directly address those needs.
  • Quantify Your Achievements: Don't just list your responsibilities. Show the impact you made using quantifiable data. Did you increase sales by 20%? Streamline a process by 30%? Back up your statements with concrete numbers to showcase the value you bring.
  • Go Beyond the Basics: While education and work experience are crucial, highlight other relevant skills and achievements on your resume. Do you possess industry certifications? Are you a volunteer leader with demonstrably transferable skills? Include these sections strategically to create a well-rounded picture of your professional identity.

When writing a resume, what is important to include? Bullet Points.

Bullet points are important in your resume. And here’s how you can craft impactful ones:

  • Action Verbs: Start strong with action verbs that convey initiative and achievement. Instead of "managed projects," use verbs like "spearheaded," "implemented," or "streamlined."
  • Quantifiable Results: Remember, numbers speak volumes. Did you manage a team of 10 developers? Quantify your accomplishments to showcase your impact on projects and initiatives.
  • Be Specific: Don't just list generic tasks. Focus on specific actions you took and the results you delivered.

Formula for Success: The Ultimate Resume Checklist

Now that you've grasped the key elements, here's a comprehensive checklist to ensure your resume is optimized for success:

  • Contact Information: Ensure your name, email address, and phone number are prominently displayed and error-free. Add a link to your portfolio or GitHub if relevant.
  • Professional Summary: Craft a compelling overview highlighting your most relevant skills and career goals.
  • Work Experience: List your past roles in reverse chronological order. For each position, include company name, job title, dates of employment, and impactful bullet points detailing your accomplishments.
  • Education: Include your educational background, listing institutions, degrees, and relevant coursework.
  • Skills: Create a dedicated section showcasing your key skills, both technical and soft skills, relevant to the job you're targeting.
  • Keywords: Subtly weave relevant keywords throughout your resume, but ensure it reads naturally.
  • Proofread and Edit: Typos and grammatical errors scream unprofessionalism. Proofread meticulously and consider asking a trusted friend or colleague to review your resume for clarity and accuracy.
  • Formatting: Maintain a consistent and simple format throughout your resume.
  • Tailor Your Resume: Never submit a generic resume. Adapt it for each specific job application, highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the position.

If you follow everything that is in this checklist, you’re already standing out among everyone else. Trust us on this, our recruiting team finds poorly optimized/created resumes daily. 

Few are the ones who put this much effort into having a clear, concise, and useful resume.

Remember, your resume is a stepping stone to getting the job you want

If you write a good resume - nothing fancy, but useful and clear - you’re unlocking the door to exciting career opportunities.

Your resume is a dynamic document that should evolve with your career trajectory. 

Keep it updated, remove things that no longer make sense, tailor it to each application, and use it as a powerful tool to showcase your skills and value to potential employers. 

With the insights and strategies outlined in this guide, you're well on your way to crafting a resume that will grab attention and land you your dream job. 

Now get out there and conquer that job market!

And if you are thinking of changing careers, upskilling, or changing jobs within the same industry, our team of career advisors is ready to help you along the way! 

Be the best version of yourself as a professional with our career advisory services:

Grab a free resume writing PDF to help you upgrade your resume and get interviews. Just subscribe in the form below!

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