Beatriz Silva

Talent Acquisition Specialist
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Tech recruiting is intense. It takes a lot of time. It can be exhaustive.

You’re constantly chasing deadlines, sourcing candidates, interviewing people, and keeping clients or superiors happy, all in the search for the perfect candidate.

In a way, that’s exciting.

But you can admit that it’s also brutal on your mental health, especially if you don’t take care of yourself.

Pressure to perform

There is pressure to perform. You find candidates, submit those to the client and if they like them, they offer them a job. 

But most of the time, that doesn’t happen you get in a limbo of working like crazy - and intensely - going back and forth between sourcing, interviews, and presenting candidates to clients.

This is a recipe for burnout.

If you don’t prioritize your mental health in recruitment, that’s what you have waiting for you. Let’s stop this cycle before it’s too late, okay?

5 simple tips to keep mental health in recruitment in check:

  • Open Communication: Don’t be shy about this. If you’re stressed, say it to your team. If they understand it and actually stop to listen and help out and even share their feelings with you, you’ve got a good team ready to support you. If that doesn’t happen and you get shunned, maybe, just maybe, it’s time to assess if they aren’t the reason you’re stressed out.
  • Realistic Goals: Yes, we want to be perfect. Yes, we want to do our job in the best way possible. But things happen and goals need to be realistic. Don’t overcomplicate tasks and remember to celebrate small wins.
  • Work-Life Balance: We talk a lot about boundaries, but do we actually set and respect those? My suggestion: turn off your phone after hours or mute the work groups after hours and during weekends/vacations. Take proper breaks during work as well as it helps reset your mind.
  • Be Flexible: In recruiting, some days are absolutely crazy. Either there’s no work or there’s a flood of it to be done. So be flexible with your schedule and be aware that there will be times when you have a bigger load. Try to find a balance that works for you.
  • Don’t stop Learning: We say this to candidates and we should practice what we preach. Don’t stop learning! Take courses in the same field but spice it up with things related to the jobs you often hire or just things you love. Learning keeps you sharp and engaged and each “victory” in your learning journey will boost your confidence!

Taking care of your mental health isn't selfish, it's smart. 

And talking about it isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. 

So don’t feel shy, express yourself, and avoid burnout before it’s too late.

I believe that, if you follow my tips - which I try to embrace as much as possible in my life - you’ll be a happier, healthier, and more successful recruiter.

And isn’t that what we all want?

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