Scale Your Business with
Top Tech Talent

Grow your tech team with Hiire.
We are your recruitment partner, finding top candidates to take your business to the next level.

Trusted by companies around the world

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Recruit better, Hire Faster

Tired of slow hiring and struggling to find the best tech talent?

We streamline the process, connecting you with qualified candidates. Our expertise in the tech space allows us to tap into a wider network and find the perfect fit for your company.

Solving Your Talent Acquisition Challenges

Is the current tech talent shortage slowing down your business?

Our wider network and expertise can help you find the skilled tech professionals you need.
Our streamlined process reduces time spent on recruitment, freeing you to focus on other priorities.

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Our Client Testimonials

Clients Testimonials

“Gonçalo helped us a lot with our first hire in Portugal. He quickly presented good candidates and managed the process very well. We recommended working with him.”

Stefanie Driever

Country Lead Portugal at Gapstars

Clients Testimonials

“I really enjoy the collaboration with Hiire. They aren't afraid to disagree and to shed a light on different perspectives. I believe they have been very important for Trengo to move our talent efforts to the next level.”

Niels van der Heijden

Head of People at Trengo

Clients Testimonials

“Hiire has laser focus. They understand our business and quickly found candidates that fit with the profile. Highly recommended.”

João Rosa

CTO at Affereo

Clients Testimonials

“Gonçalo is such a great person to collaborate with! He is very professional, very communicative and he really puts in the work to deliver his projects with value and quality. He is very respectful of our goals and guidelines, but he never keeps himself from giving his opinions and his personal touches to every project we do together.”

Rafael Borges

Content Creator at Factorial HR

Clients Testimonials

“It’s like having someone who deeply understands what I need looking for the right candidates.”

Ricardo Carvalho

Chief Digital Officer at Secil

Clients Testimonials

“With Hiire, we are always confident we can find the right people to join our team as quickly as possible.”

Aleksey Akimov

CTO at Monite

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If you’re a candidate, check our jobs. And if you’re looking for new tech talent, submit a job to us!

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